5 Practical Reasons Why Skip The Small Talk Is Actually A Great Way to Meet New People

There are so many different formats out there for meeting new people - but they often end up feeling awkward, forced, or even disheartening. We just want to connect with others, but it feels so unattainable in our current world. We like to believe that attending a Skip the Small Talk event is different, and may actually lead to the long-standing connections and meaningful conversations you’re looking for. Read on for why we (and our guests) think that is…

  1. It Minimizes Awkwardness - We Actually Tell You How To Make Connections

“Go out and meet new people,” they say. “You’ve got to put yourself out there,” they say. “Well,” you might want to respond, “that’s easier said than done! How do I even do that?!”

There’s an unspoken truth in our world right now that connecting with new people is inexplicably difficult. Everyone (or most people) want to do it but have no idea where to start. There are plenty of activities that could, in theory, help you connect with others. But when you’re at something like a pottery class or running club, it still feels SO awkward to develop real connections with people or even ask them to hang out! At a Skip The Small Talk event, we take out all the awkward logistics for you. Everyone who attends is there for a similar purpose, and it’s structured in a way that minimizes the uncertainty and discomfort of meeting new people. Of course there will always be jitters and some discomfort - it’s a social situation at the end of the day - but we pretty much tell you what to do the whole time: who to talk to, what to talk about, for how long, who should talk first, etc. You show up to an event with a guarantee that the people in front of you actually want to hear what you have to say, and with a guaranteed roadmap on how to actually connect. That’s a relief!

2. Vulnerability - Practice Makes Progress

We’ve all heard it: vulnerability leads to better relationships, yada yada yada. As hard a pill as it is to swallow, it’s true! But it’s easier said than done - how does one even start being vulnerable? If you’ve kept things surface level in your relationships thus far, how do you just flip a switch? Well, vulnerability takes practice. We’re not taught or encouraged to be vulnerable in so many spaces in our lives, so it’s not necessarily something that comes easily to everyone. A Skip the Small Talk event is a perfect way to start flexing that vulnerability muscle in a low-stakes way (you don’t ever have to see these people again if you don’t want to!). You can come to an event, try pushing yourself to share a little more of yourself than usual, see how it feels, and adjust from there. No sweat. 

3. It’s Efficient!

I know you might be surprised to see this one on the list, but who says community building has to take forever?? Listen, we’re all busy. The world is topsy turvy right now, and everyone has a lot on their minds and on their calendars. It can be hard to carve out time to meet new people and actually have conversations that may lead to something deeper. At a Skip the Small Talk event, you get to talk to a bunch of people - both the people you may mingle with before and after the event, and during your structured conversation times. Sure, you might not click with everyone, but you’re getting a really solid sense about multiple people’s characters, interests, and values that can give you the information you need to decide if you may want to build a friendship with them - all in one 2-hour block! Efficiency at its finest, folks. 

4. You’ll Skip The Small Talk (duh)

Meeting new people out at a bar or at work can definitely make us gravitate towards the stuff we think we all have in common: the part of town we’re from, the area, what we do for a living, etc. But those topics that typically fall under “small talk” often don’t help us develop meaningful connections with the people we’re interacting with. Why is that? Because we’re not getting to know the meat of what makes someone uniquely themselves - the experiences that have shaped them, the relationships they hold dear, the challenges they’re facing or have faced.. At a Skip the Small Talk event, we use really unique question prompts that actually make us think about ourselves and how we can share that with others, and pushes us to talk about the things that really matter to us. Now THAT is the stuff of long-lasting connections. 

5. You Get To Explore!

We host Skip the Small Talk events at really fun venues in your city, and we’re really intentional about partnering with spots that align with our values and are a part of the local community! You won’t be attending an awkward mingling event in the basement of an office building (no shade to office buildings) - instead, you’ll get to visit a cool restaurant, bar, cafe, or even park in your city. We strive to host events in venues that set a vibe to make it a fun night out in your community with new people. If you’re someone who hasn’t typically had a ton of people to explore with, or are in a new spot, this is a low-stress way to try out some new places and support local businesses with a great group of like-minded folks!

Intrigued? Check out our upcoming events here!

Why else do you love attending Skip The Small Talk events? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Sarah Nemetz