Posts tagged fun
10 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Does Daylight Savings have you down? You’re not alone! You may have heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that affects 5% of American adults in the winter months. But did you know that 10-20% of adults experience a milder form of seasonal depression nicknamed the “winter blues”? That’s right, that sluggish feeling you get when days get shorter and the weather gets colder just might be clinical. But don’t despair, we put together a list of activities guaranteed to get you out of bed and back into the world.

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How to have fun

It’s a weird time in history to be thinking about having fun. We’re still chugging along through a worldwide pandemic, a lot of us are depressed and anxious from years of social isolation, and “having fun” may not even sound appealing anymore. But the reality is, there’s a ton of research out there showing that fun and play are healing. If you need more proof, Catherine Price has recently written a whole book about the importance of fun and how to have more of it.

So here are some tips for having more fun, even when fun sounds like the last thing you want to do.

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