Watch Ashley Kirsner on SideHustle Live!


There’s a lot of pressure for entrepreneurs to appear like we do everything perfectly.

And that pressure is multiplied if you hold identities that are systematically oppressed, like if you’re a gender minority, a sexual minority, BIPOC, and/or disabled.

The more systemic bias there is against your competence, the more costly and harmful it can be to be vulnerable and show any ways that you’re not perfect.

It can be hard for anyone to be vulnerable, but since I’m someone with a relatively large amount of privilege (for example, if I’m vulnerable and everybody ends up hating me for it, I’ll still be able to pay rent), I find it meaningful to normalize doing things imperfectly, and doing those things publicly and proudly.

So, here I am being totally silly and having the time of my life playing this ridiculous game called SideHustle with its creators. It was silly, it was “messy,” and it was absolutely hilarious.

And if you’re in a position of relative privilege, I encourage you to try out being a little imperfect in front of others wherever possible. Not only does it help other people feel more comfortable being a little more human, but there’s also SO much opportunity for joy and connection and freedom in not trying to be perfect all the time.

But also, if you can’t be perfect at being “okay” with imperfection all the time, that’s perfectly fine, too. ;)

In any event, please enjoy watching me make off-the-cuff pitches for fake businesses in the below video!


Please note that the following video contains a pitch about a fictional weight-loss product, and please know that the use of real-life diet products are actually incredibly harmful. If you want more information about why there is no such thing as a healthy way to diet, feel free to learn more here.

Please also note that there is some humor about wheelchair use and service animals/ emotional support animals. To be clear, in addition to being a federal crime, it is harmful to the safety and health of others to try to disguise your pet as a service animal.

All right! On to the show!