Posts tagged feedback
Why your leadership isn't inclusive

I used to think my events were inclusive.

Whenever more than one person had an item of critical feedback for the event, I would do something to change it. I thought that was enough.

It took a long time for me to realize, but I was leaving a LOT of people in the lurch.

Because here’s the problem: the people who are the most systematically oppressed and who are therefore least likely to get their needs met, are often also the least vocal about their concerns.

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Three steps to make yourself bulletproof to criticism

I used to be awful at receiving critical feedback or anything I perceived as rejection. I was so bad at it that it led me to quit things I otherwise enjoyed. I went to musical theater camp as a middle schooler and got turned down for big parts for two summers, so I quit. As a dance team member in high school, I had to hear about how I could improve on a regular basis, so I quit. The pattern pervaded pretty much all aspects of my life for years.

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The four words that change the way people talk to you

Imagine you’re hanging out with a friend.


You’ve been chatting for a bit, and they reveal something more vulnerable about themselves than they usually discuss with you. Maybe it’s admitting that they feel lonely at work, or maybe it’s talking about their history with depression. Whatever it is, it’s a level or two deeper than your usual conversations.


How do you respond?

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